Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bishop Faces Death Threats For Fighting Human Trafficking

Click on the title above for the article. It will first come up in Spanish, but click on the small button in the upper right hand corner that says "English," for a translation.

Bishop Jose Luis Azcona belongs to a small order called The Augustinian Recollects (O.A.R.). I am familiar them because they have a community, Tagaste Monastery, in my hometown of Suffern, N.Y. While the Augustinian Recollects number 1,200 worldwide, in total, 20 are Bishops. What does that tell you about them?

In the United States, besides Tagaste Monastery, the Augustinian Recollect communities can also be found at Saint Cloud Monastery in West Orange, N.J., Saint Augustine's Priory in Oxnard, CA, as well as several parishes in Southern California and the New York City area.

Bishop Azcona is not the only bishop, or Christian, who lives under persecution or the threat of death. Never-the-less, I am awed by his courage, persistence, and commitment to the gospel.



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