Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Religious Sense: Science

"It is true that individuals who subscribe to an
allegedly unified and self-evident "scientific
world view" of the modern type are seen as
having failed to engage the larger intellectual
challenge of the age--thereby receiving the
same judgement in the post-modern era
that the ingenuous religious person received
from science in the modern era. In virtually
all contemporary disciplines, it is recognized
that the prodiguous complexity, subtlety, and
multivalence of reality far transcend the grasp
of any one intellectual approach, and that
only a committed openness to the interplay
of many perspectives can meet the
extraordinary challenges of the postmodern
era. But contemporary science has itself
become increasingly self-aware and
self-critical, less prone to a naive scientism,
more conscious of its epistemological and
existential limitations. Nor is contemporary
science singular, having given rise to a
number of radically divergent interpretations
of the world, many of which differ sharply from
what was previously the conventional
scientific wisdom.

Commmon to these new perspectives has
been the imperative to rethink and reformulate
the human relation to nature, an imperative
driven by the growing recognition that modern
science's mechanistic and objectivist conception
of nature was not only limited but fundamentally

-from The Passion of the Western Mind by Richard Tarnas.

Tarnas then goes on in detail.


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